Please read carefully
In consideration of us providing you with the items listed above, you agree to the following terms:
1. That you may undertake commercial and non-commercial training in your own capacity and, subject to the Special Terms below, use your Registration Number in respect of such training to demonstrate and confirm that you have successfully completed the required RTITB accredited training course and examination and are a qualified instructor.
2. Not to:
a. purport to conduct any training as an RTITB training
provider; or
b. issue any training certificate in connection with any training undertaken by you which suggests in any way that such training is provided, accredited, approved or endorsed by RTITB (save that, subject to paragraph 4 below, you may include your Registration Number on such training certificates), unless accreditation of your own or your employer’s training arrangements has been applied for and granted by RTITB.
3. To give written notice to all participants in any training to be undertaken by you that such training is not provided, accredited, approved or endorsed by RTITB and upon request provide RTITB with evidence that such notice has been given.
4. To include on all training certificates a notice that such training is not provided, accredited, approved or endorsed by RTITB and upon request provide RTITB with evidence that such notice has been given.
5. Not to promote or describe any training which you provide, as being provided, accredited, approved or endorsed by RTITB.
6. Not to make any false claims under or in connection with our Register of Professional Instructors.
7. Not to use in any manner whatsoever, including in your business or as part of any corporate business or trading name, the name, trademarks or logos of RTITB (RTITB Marks).
8. Not to apply for or obtain registration of any trade mark which consists of or comprises the RTITB Marks.
9. Not to do anything which might damage the reputation, image or prestige of the RTITB Marks or RTITB.
10. The expiry of the instructor registration will cease at the 5 yearly intervals, on the date preceding the examination date or when the instructor undertakes their re-registration. Additionally, if the instructor refers any element of the re-registration assessment(s), the instructor registration will cease and the instructor will not be approved to continue to conduct RTITB accredited training, until a successful outcome has been achieved.
This notice is to inform you of the purposes for which we collect your personal information and to notify you of the types of parties with whom that personal data will be shared, in compliance with data protection legislation.
The personal information will be processed in accordance with RTITB’s privacy policy, which can be found at www.rtitb.com/privacy-policy. Personal information you provide to us will be shared with:
• Only those service providers necessary in order to provide RTITB communications and services
• Your employer
• Those bodies who require confirmation of your training and qualifications, including current and prospective employers, regulatory bodies, recruitment agencies and through our online portal (your data will only be accessible by inputting your 9 digit RTITB number).
Personal information will be collected for the purpose of:
• Recording and verifying completed RTITB accredited training
• Enabling RTITB to remind you of when your RTITB registration is due to expire
• Providing verification services
• To contact you with service communications relating to workplace transport, vehicle and equipment training (including instructor training)
• Providing training services and related services (e.g. to allow certificates to be printed, and to carry out necessary checks against fraud prevention)
Once we have received this form duly and properly completed, together with the Instructor Registration fee, detailed overleaf, we will:
1. Provide you with a registration pack which includes: a Certificate of Registration, including an 9 digit RTITB Instructor Registration number, which confirms your successful completion of the required RTITB accredited training course and related examination; an Instructor ID Card and lanyard; welcome letter; £40 voucher to build your own Welcome Pack.
2. Register you on the RTITB International Register of Professional Instructors for a period of 5 years from the date of the examination.
3. Register you on the RTITB mailing list to receive the monthly Registered Instructors e-bulletin.
4. Provide you with a 10% discount code for use when purchasing from the RTITB Shop range. Our total liability to you in respect of your registration with us under the RTITB International Register of Professional Instructors shall be limited to the Instructor Registration fee paid to us by you, as set out above.
We may make changes to the terms set out in this form to reflect changes in the law, to meet regulatory requirements, to reflect new industry guidance or codes of conduct or to reflect changes in the way that our Instructor Register is implemented. We will give you written notice of any such changes.
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