JAUPT Top Five Findings During Audits – September 2019

Below is a detailed list of the top five auditing findings found by JAUPT during Centre Quality Assurance Visits and Course Quality Assurance Visits;

Centre Quality Assurance Visit:

  1. The centre can demonstrate that effective processes are in place to quality assure associated risks to the delivery of periodic training: The Scheme of Control is used against processes, procedures and policies to ensure it is kept up to date and current, and any risks pertaining to Periodic Training are controlled. RTITB, as the Consortium Lead, manages the Scheme of Control for the whole Consortium, so you don’t need to produce/maintain your own.
  2. The centre has demonstrated that it has a method to ensure consistency of training delivery: Most centres conduct internal audits or use external audit consultants to assess the consistency of training. As you are aware, RTITB will audit consortium members, but as part of your membership agreement you should also carry own your own internal audits. If you have any questions regarding internal audits and best practice, please contact us and we will be happy to help. JAUPT also have a Course Self-Assessment form that is helpful in understanding what the audits should include.
  3. The centre can demonstrate the trainer(s) undergo progressive training and CPD: JAUPT acknowledge that most centres do this, but do not effectively record it. Once a year we will ask you to provide us with a record of your instructor’s CPD. We expect instructors to have undergone around 7 hours per year, but there are many things that can constitute CPD, such as attending industry events and reading our e-bulletins. For a more detailed view of what sort of things count towards your CPD, please get in touch with the Master Driver team on the details below. You can find a copy of our Instructor CPD Training Record here.
  4. The centre can demonstrate that it assesses the suitability and safety of training venues: Members are responsible for ensuring that venues used to deliver training are safe and conducive for a learning environment. The safety and suitability of venues should be checked and recorded prior to use. You can find our Venue and Facilities checklist here which will help you to assess each venue for suitability and safety.
  5. The centre can demonstrate an auditable trail of records of attendance and identity checks: Here you will find an example attendance record that contains information from the DVSA. You’ll notice this is very similar to one that you retrieve from MDRS for use with Master Driver CPC Consortium courses. This should be used as a ‘live’ record, so it is important that timings are not pre-populated.

Course Quality Assurance Visit:

  1. A full auditable record to confirm attendance and identity checks was completed on the day: As above, members must ensure they use a ‘live’ attendance record to complete identity checks and confirm attended. Course timings must not be pre-populated on the record.
  2. The trainer provided opportunities for trainee’s questions, checked knowledge transfer throughout and confirmed learning outcomes were achieved: As RTITB Registered Instructors, you or your company’s instructors will know that asking questions throughout the duration of the course is vital to confirming learning outcomes, and in providing opportunity for candidates to seek clarification of additional information.
  3. Trainees should be told the approved aims and objectives of the course: As a matter of good practice, candidates should be told (usually as part of the course introduction) what the approved aims and objectives of the course are. You’ll find the course objective inside the first page of instructor guides included within your Master Driver CPC Consortium material.
  4. The trainer established the trainee’s existing knowledge of the subject matter: Instructors should explore what candidates know about the subject matter being delivered. Included in the Master Driver CPC Material is an introduction PowerPoint designed to support your introduction to each module. On this, you’ll find a slide prompting instructors to ask drivers what their previous experience is. This is a good way of determining how to tailor the knowledge you’re about to give to the drivers in the room.
  5. The trainer used various styles of questions that were relevant and promoted knowledge transfer: Throughout the Master Driver CPC material, you’ll find a variety of question types. You’ll always find a list of questions at the end of each 35 minute topic, these might be multiple choice, true or false or just a straight question and answer. Questions designed to drive discussion can be found throughout the courses. There are also quizzes within the material designed to be used as an alternative to PowerPoint, where you’ll come across questions about images too.

If you need any clarification on the above, please contact the Master Driver team on +44(0)1952 520211 or email them direct.
