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Home / Blogs / Using a Blended Learning Approach For Forklift Training

Using a Blended Learning Approach For Forklift Training

Blogs | 10th Aug 2023

The warehousing and logistics industry plays a vital role in the global economy. To keep up with the ever-changing landscape of this industry, it is crucial for lift truck (forklift) operators to continuously update their skills and knowledge with training. In recent years, a blended learning approach has emerged as a powerful tool for revolutionising training.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of a blended learning approach and how it can help improve knowledge retention for the next generation and existing workforce of warehouse and logistics operators.

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, is an innovative approach to training that combines traditional classroom-based learning with online learning. It involves a mix of face-to-face instruction and digital learning, allowing learners to access content and engage in interactive activities through a variety of online platforms. Blended learning offers flexibility and convenience while maintaining the benefits of face-to-face instruction.

Benefits of blended learning for forklift operators

  • Flexibility and convenience: The industry is fast-paced and demanding. Blended learning provides the flexibility and convenience needed to fit into working. eLearning can be accessed at any time and from anywhere, allowing learners to train at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility ensures that operators are out of the business for a shorter time. As well as helping them to improve skills and knowledge at their own comfort.
  • Customisation and personalisation: Blended learning allows for customisation and personalisation of learning experiences. New and existing forklift operators have different levels of experience, expertise, and learning styles. With a blended learning approach, learners can access a variety of online resources, such as videos, interactive modules, and quizzes, that cater to their specific needs. This customisation and personalisation ensures that the employer (and the learner) can focus on areas where improvement and progress may be needed.
  • Enhanced engagement and interaction: Blended learning encourages active engagement and interaction among learners. Online platforms often include discussion forums, virtual simulations, and collaborative activities that foster peer-to-peer learning and problem-solving. Face-to-face instruction can also be designed to be highly interactive, with group discussions, case studies, and hands-on activities. This enhanced engagement and interaction facilitates a deeper understanding of warehousing and logistics concepts and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Traditional classroom-based training can be costly in terms of planning, travel, accommodation, and expenses. Blended learning can be more cost-effective, as it eliminates the need for learners to travel to a physical location. Online modules can be accessed from anywhere, reducing travel expenses. Additionally, online resources can be easily updated, eliminating the cost of reprinting and distributing learning materials. This cost-effectiveness makes blended learning a cost-efficient solution for businesses.
  • Real-world application: The warehousing and logistics industry is highly practical, and learners benefit from real-world application of their knowledge and skills. Blended learning can incorporate real-life scenarios, case studies, and simulations that allow learners to apply their learning to real-world working challenges. This approach ensures that learners can directly apply their knowledge and skills to their day-to-day work, making the learning experience more relevant and meaningful.
  • Learning and progress tracking: Blended learning promotes continuous learning and progress tracking. Employers can track learners’ progress and monitor learning and identify areas where they need further improvement. Employers can also ensure learners revisit online modules to reinforce learning, ensuring that the knowledge and skills acquired are retained over time. This continuous learning and progress tracking foster a culture of lifelong learning among forklift operators, ensuring that they stay updated with the latest industry trends and best practices.

Start implementing a blending learning solution for your forklift operators now

Creating your organisation’s own online forklift operator training solution is time consuming to do, and equally labour intensive when it comes to managing and maintaining the content to ensure it is up to date. With RTITB’s eTruck UK and eTruck Refresher eLearning, operator learning is available instantly with accurate content and a proven approach to impactful training.

Experts have developed the content and continue to update and maintain it (including the technical aspects) so that you don’t need to have this skillset inhouse. The high-quality training content has also been optimised so that operators can undertake eLearning on a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer on any operating system.

eTruck is a secure, GDPR compliant solution that also offers your business control where you need it. Instructors can track candidates progress through the intuitive dashboard, from which you can conduct all necessary administration.

This area also gives valuable insights into learners’ strengths and weaknesses that can help Instructors to intervene and support candidates during theory training as well as understand candidates better when the time comes for the practical training element.

Learn more about eTruck and other warehousing and logistics industry eLearning courses from RTITB or contact us to learn more.

